The Gallery at YouNique launches Friday 7th February

We are excited to announce the final preperations to the launch of our first Gallery exhibition here at YouNique Wellbeing Studios!

The first date for your diary is Friday 7th February with the theme 'Moments of Contact'.

Coming up this year, we have an exciting programme of exhibitions planned for our Gallery which have been put together by our new Gallery Manager - Clare Kersley.

There will be a launch on the first Friday evening of each month between 18.30 and 20.00 - all are welcome for refreshments and art!

Our Gallery will be open every Thursday from 13.00 to 16.00.

Upcoming themes are:
March- 'Nature's Pallette'
April- 'Rhythm'

The full schedule can be found at

Or visit Clare's Website at

If you are inspired by our schedule and have a piece of work you would like to show, please contact Clare on 07954 327614 or for more information.

We look forward to greeting you!


Coffee Mornings at YouNique


Movement & Exercise Timetables